The First IEEE International Conference on

System Integration and Reliability Improvements  

SIRI 2006

Hanoi, Vietnam
13-15 December 2006

Sponsored by:
IEEE Reliability Society
IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society


SIRI focuses on the theory and practice of Systems Integration with special emphasis on the orderly and reliable introduction of emerging technologies into world class products. The conference scope includes techniques and practices to (1) gather and validate product requirements, (2) perform technology assessment, opportunity and risk analysis, and (3) apply the best development practices to assure successful product realization. This will be big enough in attendance to represent major SIRI topics, but small enough to provide an in-depth representation of theory or practice in these areas. We hope to have Industry and academic participation, product and device suppliers, as well as a healthy mixture of theory and practice.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following :
  1. Lessons Learned on developing new products, including success stories and pitfalls found in developing, releasing and
    supporting fielded products
  2. Requirements collection strategies and validation
  3. New chip technologies
  4. Impact of regulations on product design
  5. Six Sigma contributions to World Class product development
  6. Building security into products
  7. Integrating COTS components into new products
  8. Maintaining COTS components through development and field support
  9. Support strategies for fielded systems
  10. Role of simulation and prototypes
  11. Accelerated testing to demonstrate life capability
  12. Physics of Failure (POF) contribution to robust product design
  13. Experimental design considerations
  14. Impact and considerations of lead-free designs
  15. Building "Green Systems"
  16. Mitigating EMC and other environmental effects on new designed equipment
  17. Supply chain management
  18. Design tools and automation
  19. Embedded Systems
  20. System Integration for Human Computer Interaction
  21. Software Verification
Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings. Outstanding papers will be considered for publication in special issues of the IEEE Transactions on Reliability and Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics.

To be announced


Proposal for Tutorial:
Regular Papers:
Camera Ready:


April 15, 2006
September 8, 2006 (extended)
October 31, 2006
November 15, 2006 (extended)


General Chairs

Samuel Keene
Keene and Associates, USA
[email protected]

Hoang Pham
Rutgers University, USA
[email protected]

N. H. Duc
Vietnam National University, Vietnam
[email protected]

Program Chair
W. Eric Wong
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
[email protected]

Jian Chen
Tsinghua University, China
[email protected]

N. N. Binh
Vietnam National University, Vietnam
[email protected]

Local Arrangement Chair
Hien T. Nguyen
Vietnam National University, Vietnam
[email protected]

Finance Chair
Alan Street
Qualcomm, USA
[email protected]

International Participation Committee
Seiichi Takeuchi
Tokyo Denki University, Japan
[email protected]

Shuichi Fukuda
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Japan
[email protected]

Publicity Chairs
Min Xie
National University of Singapore, Singapore
[email protected]

Duy T. Bui
National University of Vietnam, Vietnam
[email protected]

Web Masters
Yu Qi
University of Texas at Dallas, USA
[email protected]

W. Art Chaovalitwongse
Rutgers University, USA
[email protected]

Asian Liaison
Tsu-Tian Lee
National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan[email protected]

Click here for the complete list of organizing and program committees.


The conference venue is the luxurious 5-star Hotel Melia Hanoi located in the center of the ancient city of Hanoi, inside the diplomatic and financial district and close to main tourist attractions, entertainment and  shopping areas. The hotel has 306 deluxe rooms, 68 of which are elegantly decorated Executive Suites. From its 22 stories, guest can enjoy the view of the city which boasts many parks, rivers and lakes. Local organizers have reserved 60 Deluxe Rooms and 40 Executive Suites for conference participants. Participants wishing to stay in the Hotel, should book themselves the rooms.  For more detailed information please refer to:

Click here for the conference hotel reservation form.

From the NOIBAI Airport in Hanoi, you can take a taxi (either AIRPORT TAXI and NOIBAI TAXI) to the Melia Hotel. The distance is about 30 kilometers and the fare is around US $10- $12.

The temperature during the day time is around 22 C and it may drop to 15 C in the evening.


For conference registration, please send your completed registration form to the Finance Chair Alan Street. For a paper to be included in the SIRI proceedings, at least one of the authors must register and pay the registration fee (US $300.00 for IEEE members and US $350.00 for non-members) before November 25, 2006. If you have multiple papers, you must pay one registration fee for each paper.

Submit your IEEE Copyright Form to Alan Street before November 20, 2006 in order for your paper to be accepted by the SIRI conference.


Non-Vietnamese attendees are recommended to get an official visa to enter Vietnam for the conference. This can be done with the help from the Local Arrangement Committee in Vietnam. Please complete the application form and send it directly to Professor Nguyen The Hien via e-mail at [email protected] and [email protected]. After you receive the notification, you can bring your passport to the Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate which you specified in your application form to get your visa. If you have any questions, please contact Professor Hien.


For further information, please contact

Professor Hoang Pham at [email protected]